
avatar graphicThemes got weird, man. These kids with their newfangled devices, and their widgets, and visual editors, and sassafrasin’. Back in my day, if we wanted to build a website, we had to code it ourselves! In notepad! Switching aesthetics is easier in some cases, but I’ve lost a few objects in the transition. A few of them are not super important and likely won’t be making their way back. Their content may reappear sometime, but with the track record this site has had I seriously doubt that. So for one last view of them, I’m putting them here.


Published 2009/10/29 2:48:01 pm

There is no secret about the fact that I am a bitter, angry person. As such I have a tendency to run off my mouth when I get pissed off, which is relatively easy to do. When I have a new complaint or story about a particularly idiotic turn of events, you’ll find it here.

I’m keeping these separate from the rest of the site because honestly I have no interest in completely alienating the rest of the readership. Not that they don’t feel similarly mind you, but just like the DVD commentary, the views and statements expressed here are solely those of the writer, and do not necessarily reflect the sentiments of the production company.

First published 2009/10/29 2:48:01 pm


By no means am I any sort of astrophysicist, or anything remotely close to a trained scientist.

But damn it all if I don’t get things right on occasion.

Because of this, and the lack of belief I tend to receive when it happens, I’ll be posting my various scientific hypotheses here when I have them. This will range from things smaller than things smaller than atoms, to The Digital Feed when they’re available.

First published 2009/10/29 3:28:56 pm

It just never happened. I never bothered with them. Things either got so filtered down that they ended up in The Digital Feed, or edited to obscurity. Trying to get everything working really means cutting dead weight, and these count. I’d say it’s a shame, but they don’t even have sub-pages or posts tagged to them.

Other items are important. I haven’t found a quick way to link the wiki from the main page yet. Most of my regular readers ( all twelve of them ) would notice that I didn’t hyperlink the wiki, and that’s because I also haven’t uploaded it yet. The last few months I noticed that several of the older pages were showing up blank. Considering that the wiki largely held the majority of my creative writings in what has been dubbed as Encyclopedic Fiction by an ally, blank pages are what I believe can scientifically be called [expletived]. After a few minor panic attacks, I finally managed to find all the content was still there in previous edit records for each individual topic that had gone blank.

As I worked my way through them, I realized two things.

A) I need better wiki software.

2) Holy [expletive] a lot of this is pretentiously written garbage that I can only hope I wrote while tired, drunk, or tired and drunk.

I know in the past I’ve mentioned pride in work, and it isn’t to say that I’m not proud of the fictional realm of the Runick Legends and the various other works, but a great deal of it was stream-of-consciousness level output, and it needs to be reworked with a more discerning eye. Some of it though wasn’t so badly written, and was also relevant to my D&D [generalized] group, so I should really get that back up and operational again. Keep an eye out for it, I suppose. I definitely need to get back at it, and soon. I found it wasn’t just helpful to have for record keeping, but it was cathartic.

I could use some catharsis these days.

Speaking of catharsis! The other thing missing is the proper offset on the sidebar for recent posts, my ‘random thoughts’, and the gamer cards of The Coming Storm [TCS]; my XBox Live group, which was named for one of our more popular D&D [generalized] campaign settings. Looping back around to the beginning of the post, the themes settings have eliminated the sidebar editing I used to have easy access to. It’ll get there. Once I have a few few less ( hah, redundancy! ) things on my plate.

— Vid

++ EDIT ++ Fixed some of it! In half an hour!
