Hard Coding…

avatar graphicSo I had a moment to take a quick look at my style sheet and figured out how to adjust the padding for avatar images in posts. You’ll notice that they wrap around the image now like they did on the previous incarnation of the site. I’ve always felt that lends a more personal touch to the posts, more so than just a signature.

Of course now I’m still trying to figure out how to dynamically provide avatar images for various writers. I’ve taken a look at a few post template plugins, but it seems like so far all they do is create a template based on an existing post that you can then access to copy and paste into your new post. Well that’s just sort of bloody pointless, isn’t it? I mean, hell, I can do that myself without needing a plugin.

The search continues. I know none of the other Bastards have made their editorial debuts just yet, but I want it to be as easy for them as possible. Honestly if it’s easy for them, it’ll be easier for me. Back when I was doing this all by hand with frames I had dreamed up the idea of .css without realizing it. An idea I wish I’d known how to put into effect and capitalize on.

Well, whomever stole my thought process sure left the need for a lot of manual coding. Nothing sucks worse than being retroactively ripped off, but having the idea implemented poorly.

— Vid